Car hire in Bishkek - minimum trouble, maximum comfort!

7 February 2017

 Dear clients!

Car rental service once seemed an unprecedented luxury. Now this service is available to everyone.

"Russkaya troika" car rental service offers a wide range of vehicles: economy and middle class, business class and SUVs. The whole rental procedure takes a less than 5 minutes!

For rental car, you can pay through pos-terminal of our Bank.

We accept cards of four payment systems - Visa, Zolotaya Corona, MasterCard, Elcart!

Address: Bishkek, Chernyshevsky, 65 str.

Any information you can get by calling to the Bank's Contact Center:

0 (312) 61 3333
0 (556) 61 3333
0 (770) 3333 69
0 (701) 3333 69 - around the clock!

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