Action on deposits, get + 2% to the standard rate!

4 May 2021

Open a term deposit from May 4 to July 4, 2021 at any branch of our Bank and get + 2% to the standard rate!

Terms of action:

  • Terms of the action from May 4 to July 4, 2021.
  • Venue - all branches of Bank KYRGYZSTAN
  • Participants of the action can be an individual, a bank customer, opening or extending the term of the Term Deposit in the currency Som during the action period
  • The term of the deposit is from 12 months and above
  • Term deposits are - Deposit "Optimalnyi"Deposit "Vygodnyi dlya pensionerov".
  • A participant of the promotion who qualifies under the terms of the promotion receives +2% to the standard deposit rate

!!! It is not allowed to terminate an agreement that has already been opened in the Bank within 6 months prior to the start of the current promotion, or to reissue it under the terms of the action.


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